/*** Powered by Pfocadownload ***/
To remove the footer Powered by Pfocadownload
Edit the "renderfront.php" file from the following location:
/ administrator / components / com_phocadownload / libraries / phocadownload / render /
Locate the following block of code [should be around line 41]:
public static function renderPhocaDownload() {
return '
Now replace the code with the following and save the file:
public static function renderPhocaDownload() {
/* // Added by Dirk 09-02-2015 To remove Footer "Powered by Phocadownload"
return '';
*/ // Added by Dirk 09-02-2015 To remove Footer "Powered by Phocadownload"
• Edit "utils.php" file from the following location:
/ administrator / components / com_phocadownload / libraries / phocadownload / utils /
Locate the following block of code [should be around line 12]
public static function footer() {
echo '';
Now replace the code with he following and save the file :
public static function footer() {
/* // Added by Dirk 09-02-2015 To remove Footer "Powered by Phocadownload"
echo '';
*/ // Added by Dirk 09-02-2015 To remove Footer "Powered by Phocadownload"
/*** header & footer color ***/
// Add the folowing code at the end of file /web1286u5/html/templates/protostar/css/template.css
/* footer color Added by Dirk 2015-03-04 */
.footer {
background: #167FB3;
color: white;
/* header color Added by Dirk 2015-03-04 */
.header {
background: #167FB3;
color: white;
/*** Text in footer ***/
// Modify the folowing code in file /web1286u5/html/templates/protostar/index.php
//Replace :
//by :